Privacy Policy

Intellectual property and prohibition

The structure, layout, graphic charter, texts, database, images, photographs, sounds, videos and any other element composing the Site are and remain the intellectual and exclusive property of the Company and are protected by copyright. The brands, trade names and logos appearing on this site are registered trademarks.

The reproduction, redistribution or use for any purpose whatsoever, even partially, of the elements of the Site are subject to the express prior authorisation of the Company, which holds all intellectual property rights. Any user who has a website and who wishes to place on his site a simple link pointing directly to the website must first request the Company’s authorisation.

Under no circumstances may the Client resell products that are intended for his personal use or that of the person receiving his order.

Protection of personal data

By ordering via the Site, the Client consents to the use by the Company of personal data concerning him/her. This data is necessary to ensure the proper processing of orders. All this information is treated with the utmost rigour and discretion.

The Company undertakes not to disclose to third parties the information communicated by the Client on the Site. This information is confidential. It will only be used to process the order and to strengthen and personalise communication, in particular by sending the PHILIPPE CONTICINI UK LIMITED newsletter.

In accordance with the legislation in force, the Customer has the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning him/her. To exercise this right and obtain information, the Client may contact the Company at