The Three Drives
Family Resource Centre
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
Lao Tzu
At the Three Drives Family Resource Centre we provide a safe, friendly, open, confidential and inclusive Centre that is free from discrimination and in-equality.
We are committed to working in partnership with all our stakeholders to provide supports and services that address the identified needs of children, families and individuals living in the local and wider community.
Directions of our Work
First prize in the Housing Estates category
Pride of Place is an all-island competition that acknowledges the work that communities are doing all over the Ireland.
In 2016 Three Drives FRC was selected by Tipperary County Council to be the representative for County Tipperary. It was awarded first prize in the Housing Estates Category of the competition.

“The judges received a memorable and heart-warming welcome from the residents of the category winning estate. This is a huge story of perseverance, innovation and significant collaboration down the years. The presentations were short, to the point and delivered a powerful message. A wide range of much needed and valued services is being delivered. ”
Biodiversity project